The Benefits of Properly Sealed Return Air Ducts

Learn about the importance of sealing return air ducts for improved comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. Find out how regular maintenance visits and products like Aeroseal can help protect your HVAC system.

The Benefits of Properly Sealed Return Air Ducts

As an HVAC expert, I have seen firsthand the impact that properly sealed return air ducts can have on a home's comfort and energy efficiency. Many homeowners may not realize the importance of sealing these ducts, but it is just as crucial as sealing supply ducts. By sealing all connections in duct sections with putty, a specialized rubbery sealant, or metal tape, you can prevent air leakage and solve common cooling and heating problems. One of the main benefits of sealing return air ducts is maintaining a comfortable living environment throughout the house for you and your family.

In homes with forced air heating and cooling systems, ducts are used to distribute air conditioning throughout the house. However, if these ducts are not properly sealed, between 20 and 30 percent of the air that passes through them can be lost due to leaks, holes, and poorly connected sections. Not only does sealing air ducts improve comfort levels, but it also has a positive impact on indoor air quality. By reducing the amount of dust and particles that the HVAC system draws from areas of the house such as the attic, mezzanines, walls, and unfinished basement, you can create a healthier living environment for your family.

This can also save you money on cleaning costs, which can add up to hundreds of dollars depending on the number of HVAC systems and ducts in your home. To ensure that your return air ducts are properly sealed, it is important to schedule regular maintenance visits with a local professional. They can also provide guidance on how to adjust your unit's air ducts for optimal performance. This not only improves comfort levels but also helps to prevent health problems caused by poor indoor air quality.

In addition to improving comfort and air quality, sealed return air ducts can also protect your HVAC system from damage. By distributing heat and air conditioning evenly throughout the house, these ducts can prevent the entire unit from being damaged, corroded, or dropped. Regularly checking and sealing these ducts can save you money on costly repairs in the long run. One effective product for sealing return air ducts is Aeroseal, which is sprayed into the duct system and adheres to the interior to create a complete seal.

Another simple way to prevent air from bypassing the oven filter is by using adhesive tape to seal the filter against the return air structure. This ensures that the air passes through the filter and is properly heated or cooled before entering your home. In conclusion, sealing return air ducts is a crucial step in creating an energy-efficient and comfortable living environment. By preventing air leakage, improving indoor air quality, and protecting your HVAC system, you can save money on energy bills and costly repairs while also improving your family's health and well-being.

So if you haven't already, make sure to have your return air ducts checked and sealed by a professional for optimal performance.

Candice Fedak
Candice Fedak

Hardcore pop culture fanatic. Extreme foodaholic. Friendly zombie junkie. Lifelong travel buff. Subtly charming internet practitioner.