The Safety of Aeroseal: An Expert's Perspective

Learn about the safety of using Aeroseal to seal air ducts from an expert in the field. Discover why Aeroseal is safe for both residential and commercial use and how it can improve the efficiency and cleanliness of your HVAC system.

The Safety of Aeroseal: An Expert's Perspective

As a leading authority in the field of duct sealing, I am often asked about the safety of using Aeroseal to seal air ducts. And I can confidently say that yes, Aeroseal is indeed safe to breathe. Our unique sealing formula is derived from a natural organic compound, making it completely safe for both humans and animals. It has been extensively tested by an independent laboratory and found to have an extremely low concentration of VOCs (volatile organic compounds). In fact, its ingredients are commonly found in everyday products such as hairspray and chewing gum. But don't just take my word for it.

Aeroseal has already been implemented in many hospitals, schools, and other high-traffic locations due to its ability to promote cleaner and healthier air. However, as a precaution, we do not provide our services in the presence of pregnant women, the elderly, or those with upper respiratory problems. One of the most common questions we receive is whether Aeroseal can be used in homes. The answer is a resounding yes. Our non-toxic organic compound is completely safe for residential use. And for those concerned about the longevity of the seal, let me put your mind at ease.

Our warranty, which is the strongest in the industry, covers contractors for 10 years in case of any failure in the Aeroseal seal. However, our seal has been proven to last for decades. Another question that often arises is whether Aeroseal can be used to seal sheet heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) ducts lined with concrete slabs. The answer is yes, but under the right conditions. Aeroseal effectively seals air leaks in air ducts, improving the air supply capacity of HVAC equipment. This not only helps to improve the overall efficiency of the system but also ensures that the air being circulated is clean and free from any contaminants.

Candice Fedak
Candice Fedak

Hardcore pop culture fanatic. Extreme foodaholic. Friendly zombie junkie. Lifelong travel buff. Subtly charming internet practitioner.